I love it when French bureaucracy gets simpler!

Did you know that since the end of November 2019, if you are an employee in France, you can buy your training directly from the training organisation, using your CPF (compte personnel de formation)?

It’s a lot quicker than before, you don’t (necessarily) need to go through your HR and it surprisingly user-friendly!

The website is moncompteformation.gouv.fr, which perhaps you have already registered with to see how much CPF you have. There is also an app available for your phone, called Mon Compte Formation. Once you have the site, you can login as usual with your social security number, or you can just go straight to looking for a training programme.

All of this means that it’s a lot easier to do whatever training you like (providing that it is CPF certified – usually there will be some kind of exam or assessment at the end of the training). If you would like to do the training during work hours, you’ll still need the agreement of your company. Companies often work with certain training providers and offer training during work hours with those training organisations. Otherwise you can request time out of work to do an inter-entreprise training, or do it outside of your working hours.

CPF let’s you decide how you spend your money. You can choose to do a less expensive training, perhaps online or in a group. Or you can splash out and do an individual training or a long training. Just remember that you have 500EUR per year, which you can cumulate up to 5000EUR.

One thing to remember is that not all training is of the same quality: if there’s a specific training programme you’d like to do, ask for recommendations and speak to the training provider before making a decision.

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