Qu’est-ce que le « Global English » et pourquoi est-ce important ?

When you are alone for days or weeks at a time, you eventually become drawn to people. Talking to randos is the norm.…

0 Commentaire6 Minutes

Être à l’aise en anglais : Comment surmonter la peur de parler et gagner en confiance

When you are alone for days or weeks at a time, you eventually become drawn to people. Talking to randos is the norm.…

0 Commentaire13 Minutes

Prise de parole en public : Pourquoi et comment améliorer vos compétences ?

When you are alone for days or weeks at a time, you eventually become drawn to people. Talking to randos is the norm.…

0 Commentaire9 Minutes

Faire une formation CPF: comment ça marche?

When you are alone for days or weeks at a time, you eventually become drawn to people. Talking to randos is the norm.…

0 Commentaire3 Minutes

Visio en anglais : Nos meilleurs conseils pour réussir vos présentations

When you are alone for days or weeks at a time, you eventually become drawn to people. Talking to randos is the norm.…

0 Commentaire11 Minutes

Formation en anglais…ou formation en « soft skills »?

When you are alone for days or weeks at a time, you eventually become drawn to people. Talking to randos is the norm.…

0 Commentaire7 Minutes

Vous avez besoin d’une formation pour votre entreprise : Comment cela se passe-t-il ?

When you are alone for days or weeks at a time, you eventually become drawn to people. Talking to randos is the norm.…

0 Commentaire4 Minutes

Comment évaluer son niveau avec Gymglish?

When you are alone for days or weeks at a time, you eventually become drawn to people. Talking to randos is the norm.…

0 Commentaire6 Minutes

Mesurer le retour sur investissement de la formation linguistique

When you are alone for days or weeks at a time, you eventually become drawn to people. Talking to randos is the norm.…

0 Commentaire5 Minutes

What is English as a Lingua Franca?

When you are alone for days or weeks at a time, you eventually become drawn to people. Talking to randos is the norm.…

0 Commentaire3 Minutes

Quelles sont les langues les plus difficiles à apprendre ?

When you are alone for days or weeks at a time, you eventually become drawn to people. Talking to randos is the norm.…

0 Commentaire6 Minutes

Pourquoi et comment faire un audit des compétences en anglais au sein de votre entreprise

When you are alone for days or weeks at a time, you eventually become drawn to people. Talking to randos is the norm.…

0 Commentaire6 Minutes

Quelle méthode proposons-nous ?

When you are alone for days or weeks at a time, you eventually become drawn to people. Talking to randos is the norm.…

0 Commentaire5 Minutes

Quelle est la meilleure façon d’améliorer son anglais ?

When you are alone for days or weeks at a time, you eventually become drawn to people. Talking to randos is the norm.…

0 Commentaire4 Minutes

Quelle correspondance entre les niveaux du CECR et les examens du Toeic, de l’IELTS et du Cambridge?

When you are alone for days or weeks at a time, you eventually become drawn to people. Talking to randos is the norm.…

0 Commentaire3 Minutes

Quels sont les différents niveaux du CEFRL en anglais ?

When you are alone for days or weeks at a time, you eventually become drawn to people. Talking to randos is the norm.…

0 Commentaire9 Minutes

Comment parler de manière fluide en anglais ?

When you are alone for days or weeks at a time, you eventually become drawn to people. Talking to randos is the norm.…

0 Commentaire7 Minutes

Aborder des sujets complexes en anglais

When you are alone for days or weeks at a time, you eventually become drawn to people. Talking to randos is the norm.…

0 Commentaire3 Minutes